The Pentax 67II is a medium format film camera with a very dedicated fanbase for good reason, but it comes with a few tradeoffs.
Like other cameras with “67” in their name, it exposes a 6×7 centimeter negative for each shot that can be printed very large with excellent quality. But, you only get 10 shots on a roll of medium format 120 film.
It’s an SLR, meaning that you are looking through a mirror and series of prisms and out the lens when you look through the viewfinder, allowing for precise compositions. But, that makes the camera extremely large and heavy compared to a rangefinder camera that shoots the same format.
In early 2019, I picked up a full Pentax 67II kit with three lenses: a wide 55mm f/4, normal 105mm f/2.4, and telephoto 200mm f/4. I took the camera on several trips and carried it around my neighborhood a handful of times. I enjoyed the results that I got, but found myself not wanting to take it out very often due to its size and weight. The camera body and 105mm lens barely fit in my camera bag, and I rarely used the other two lenses, which were even larger. It seems like an excellent camera for someone primarily shooting in a studio and wanting the best possible image quality, but a poor choice for someone like myself who primarily shoots travel and street photography. So, I decided to sell it in 2023 and use the proceeds for my next adventure in medium format photography, which I hope to write about soon.
The following images are a few of my favorites taken with the Pentax 67II:

Thanks for reading, and if you want more, check out my full gallery of Pentax 67II images on Flickr.